
Week 2 summary

  Week 2 Summary: While the activities of this week were quite similar to the last week, I still very much enjoyed myself and learned a lot about the operation of a nonprofit such as Julie’s. I started off by doing a lot of behind-the-scenes work and research, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I did more of this than I did last week, but I was still able to have fun with it. This entire week, we did a lot of work with the state senators and representatives. It was fascinating to see the whole process of the connections between non-profits and state legislatures, especially due to my interest in politics in the future. This process was mostly just for the inclusion of the organization in the state budget, which is extremely important for the continuation of much of the work at Julie’s. Not only that, but the project that I did opened my eyes to the actual amount of people that Julie’s Family Learning helps. I saw the number of people in all the different areas of Massachusetts that receiv...

Day 12

  Hours: 9-3. 4-5 Last day! Today was a bittersweet day, knowing that I would be leaving Julie’s. I started off my day with Michelle, my mentor sorting out all the last minute paperwork and details. It did not hit me that I was done until the paperwork I had to fill out. When I was done with paperwork and photo organizing, I went back down to the toddler room. There were four today, so it was a completely full classroom. We mostly just played games, because that was all they were in the mood for. After the games, we spent a very long time at the park because it was super warm outside. I had a lot of fun with them before lunch and then nap time. Because Iyla was back, I had to lie next to her during nap time, because she sleeps best with someone next to her. I then went to talk to the director of child services about my job for the summer, since I will be returning! I am ecstatic about that, and I know that I will have a great time when I come back and learn even more. 

Day 11

  Day 11:  Hours: 9-3, 4-5 Today was once again a childcare day. Overall, the day was pretty calm. There were only three toddlers today and one preschooler, so it was a perfect day to take a little break and relax. Today we did the usual, went to the park, played games did crafts. I worked for about 6 hours today at the actual school, and I cleaned up the classrooms when all the kids left. When I left the building I did more research on early education. I was not expecting to have done this much early education research during my senior project. I fully expected to be doing more financial research regarding the adults. Working at Julie’s gave me a vast appreciation for the early education field. 

Day 10

 Hours: 8-12,  1-4 Total Hours: 61 I had a short day at the school today. We had an all-staff meeting, which happens once a month, I just happened to be there when it happened. During this all-staff meeting, Michelle, the Director of Operations, discussed the plans for the summer and onward. I enjoyed this meeting because I got to be a part of the staff and see what goes on behind the scenes. This is why Fridays were honestly my favorite days here. I got to experience the operations of the organization as a whole. When I got home, I did some research on early education. I learned a lot about the importance of early education for every kids, especially those in high risk.     

Day 9

 Hours: 9-3 Total Hours: 54 Today was a hectic day as well. We had a lot of kids today and the same amount of adults. There was not a lot of help, so it was difficult. There was a new kid that I got to meet today, and that was super fun for me. We had rainbow dance again, so I had to wrangle the kids to pay attention. They do not really understand meditation, so they were not super into it. Trying to get them to understand it was quite a process, but they ended up having fun in the end. We went outside once again, then they ate and took naps. While the kids were napping, I helped clean the classroom. It is the last day of preschool for the week, so I did a lot of sanitization. After cleaning up the classroom. I helped in one of the women's classes, and then I went home. 

Day 8

 Hours: 9-3 Total Hours: 48 Today was another childcare day. I spent the whole day in childcare, as we were even more understaffed than normal today. We had two regular staff not there, so there were only four staff there, including me. We also had quite a few kids today, so it was definitely a challenge, but we had fun and got through it. We had to combine all the classes, so we had the toddlers and preschoolers play together and had one baby, Josiah in the room with the kids. We spent a very long time outside, and the kids got all their energy out. When nap time happened, they fell asleep extremely quickly. Though it was a tough day, I had a lot of fun and was able to get out of my comfort zone. I learned how difficult it is when a business is understaffed. 

Day 7

 Hours: 9-3 Total Hours: 42 Today was generally laid back compared to my tasks of other days. When I arrived, I was immediately sent to the toddler room to play with them and help out their teacher. Today we painted, played with playdough, and worked on colors and numbers. It was a very warm day out, so we spent a lot of time outside playing. It was a hot day so the kids got tired very easily and took very long naps. When the kids were napping, I went up to operations to help them out there, because I had no tasks left. I once again mailed out the letters that needed to be sent, this time to board members. I learned about why the board members are important and what they do for the program. Then, I went back to child care until their parents picked them up at the end of the day.