Day 12

 Hours: 9-3. 4-5

Last day! Today was a bittersweet day, knowing that I would be leaving Julie’s. I started off my day with Michelle, my mentor sorting out all the last minute paperwork and details. It did not hit me that I was done until the paperwork I had to fill out. When I was done with paperwork and photo organizing, I went back down to the toddler room. There were four today, so it was a completely full classroom. We mostly just played games, because that was all they were in the mood for. After the games, we spent a very long time at the park because it was super warm outside. I had a lot of fun with them before lunch and then nap time. Because Iyla was back, I had to lie next to her during nap time, because she sleeps best with someone next to her. I then went to talk to the director of child services about my job for the summer, since I will be returning! I am ecstatic about that, and I know that I will have a great time when I come back and learn even more. 


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