Day 7

 Hours: 9-3

Total Hours: 42

Today was generally laid back compared to my tasks of other days. When I arrived, I was immediately sent to the toddler room to play with them and help out their teacher. Today we painted, played with playdough, and worked on colors and numbers. It was a very warm day out, so we spent a lot of time outside playing. It was a hot day so the kids got tired very easily and took very long naps. When the kids were napping, I went up to operations to help them out there, because I had no tasks left. I once again mailed out the letters that needed to be sent, this time to board members. I learned about why the board members are important and what they do for the program. Then, I went back to child care until their parents picked them up at the end of the day. 


  1. This will be so helpful when you become a calculus teacher!


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