Week 2 summary

 Week 2 Summary:

While the activities of this week were quite similar to the last week, I still very much enjoyed myself and learned a lot about the operation of a nonprofit such as Julie’s. I started off by doing a lot of behind-the-scenes work and research, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I did more of this than I did last week, but I was still able to have fun with it. This entire week, we did a lot of work with the state senators and representatives. It was fascinating to see the whole process of the connections between non-profits and state legislatures, especially due to my interest in politics in the future. This process was mostly just for the inclusion of the organization in the state budget, which is extremely important for the continuation of much of the work at Julie’s. Not only that, but the project that I did opened my eyes to the actual amount of people that Julie’s Family Learning helps. I saw the number of people in all the different areas of Massachusetts that receive aid from Julie’s. I was under the impression that all of the students were from South Boston or Dorchester. While the majority of the students do come from these areas, there are students from all over Boston, the suburbs, and as far west as Worcester. 

I was also given the opportunity to sit in on and help with many of the adult family development classes this week. One of the classes I got to sit in on was a math class, and I also got to sit in on a science class. These were for the women, and it is always very fun for me to hang out with the women, especially since I spend so much time with their kids all day.  I served as a tutor mostly when I was sitting in these classes. They were working on projects, so there was not much I could do, but it was good for them to know I was there as a resource. I also got to see how they really learn. To be on the other side of teaching was a fascinating experience. I have spent so much time being the one learning that being the one teaching was very different, especially since all of the students are older than me. Not only did I get to join family development classes, but also ABE, or Adult Basic Education classes. The one I joined this week, was a computer class called Tech Goes Home. 

And of course, I could not forget about the kids. I spend probably 75% of my time or more in the toddler room. It just simply happens to be where the most help is needed. This is my favorite part of the day because it is just so fun. The kids are adorable and love that I can help them at such a young age, which is when they really need it the most.


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